Overview of The Unknown Leader

I realized early on that I felt at ease articulating my ideas. It’s a natural inclination for me to put a thought on paper or communicate it in a speech or dialogue. At the same time, it’s a mental process that I did not take lightly.

One sentence can make a world of difference, and the annals of history are full of examples of statements that represented turning points in the lives of individuals, communities, and even entire society. I’ve always been impressed with how touching communication can be when it combines simplicity and the power of the word. The greatest communicators make their message sound simple, yet their words have enormous impact.

The Islamic civilization in particular features many personalities starting with The Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Him), who mastered the craft of articulating words to get people to truly understand why they should be part of a vision, engage in a change of lifestyle, and adopt unfamiliar concepts and new thinking. I was also taken by the oratorical skills of Winston Churchill. I was amazed at how he was able to articulate with simplicity the complexity of political and social problems, using short sentences whose meaning and importance any person listening to him on the radio could understand and connect with.
Perhaps because I recognize and deeply value the process of making a point by putting a bunch of words together, I think I gave the exercise of putting words together a little more thought than a typical person might. At the end of the day, the effectiveness of a word is not only in how you write it, articulate it, and vocalize it, but also in its ability to be received. The reception is as important as the delivery.

In summary, the magic of the word will always resonate throughout our personal voyage of change. I hope The Unknown Leader will play a role in enriching your own journey.

The Unknown Leader – ISBN# 978-0-7494-6572-8
Published by Kogan Page, 2012

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Principle-Centered Leadership
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